Home S@5: ‘Sanctity of Human Life’ Sunday

S@5: ‘Sanctity of Human Life’ Sunday

January 22, 2023 is ‘Sanctity of Human Life’ Sunday

This week on Sunday @ 5, a revealing conversation with three local Pregnancy Care Center leaders on the ‘frontline for life’, protecting the unborn. Verne (WBFJ radio) will talk with…

*Kimberly Jorgensen with Salem Pregnancy Care Center in Winston-Salem.    336-760-3680 www.spcclife.org

*Sharon Kelly with Lifeline Pregnancy Help Center in Elkin (serving Surry, Wilkes and Yadkin). 336-526-5433 lifelinehelps.org/

*Tori Shaw with Not Forgotten Ministries in Winston-Salem.   336-293-7427 www.theyarenotforgotten.com

Each representative will share more about their pro-life mission for 2023, with a look back to 2022. Find out who they help, how they help and how you can get involved locally!  Listen now…

January 22, 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision by the US Supreme Court that LEGALIZED abortion in the US.
-Friday, June 24, 2022 was a VERY important date, a major ‘victory’ for the pro-life movement last year. The US Supreme Court ‘overturned’ Roe v. Wade (by way of the Dobbs case) allowing each state and not the Federal government to regulate abortion laws. Unfortunately, North Carolina continues to be an ‘abortion destination state’.
-Continue to pray and support those that fight for the unborn, assist women (and men) in a crisis pregnancy situation, and encourage post-abortive healing and restoration through Jesus Christ.

Pregnancy Care Centers – Supporting life in our Communities

*As heard on Sunday @ 5 on WBFJ (January 22, 2023)



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