The ‘Dog Days of Summer’ continue thru August 11th.
Above normal temperatures are expected this Thursday through Sunday. These hot temperatures combined with high humidity will push heat index values (that ‘feel-like’ temperature) into the upper 90s to around 100 degrees across the Piedmont Triad later in the week. Please limit your outdoor activity during the HOTTEST time of the day!! *National Weather Service
Take frequent breaks, drink lots of water, and try to confine outdoor activities to the cooler parts of the day like during the morning and evening hours.
Don’t leave THESE items in your HOT car?
–Medications: Heat exposure can change the effectiveness of your medications.
–Sunscreen: Heat causes sunscreen to break down.
–Bottled water: Heat causes chemicals to leach out of a regular plastic water bottle.
Protect your skin while outside this summer (and pre-summer)
Apply sunscreen 15 to 30 minutes BEFORE you go outside. *Re-apply every two hours.
EWG Healthy Living App. Find out more about a cool APP that compares sunscreens (and much more) Source: Environmental Working Group https://www.ewg.org/sunscreen/
The ‘best tested’ sunscreens for 2023 from the experts at Good Housekeeping?
Banana Boat Light As Air Face Weightless Protection (Lotion SPF 50)
Hawaiian Tropic Skin Defense Sunscreen Lotion (SPF 50)
Blue Lizard Sensitive Mineral Sunscreen SPF 50+
BEST VALUE SPRAY: Sun Bum Original Sunscreen Spray SPF 50
Budget friendly: Equate Sport Broad Spectrum Sunscreen Value Size SPF 50.
*Bottom Line: The ‘best’ sunscreen…is the one you apply liberally and us often!
Good Housekeeping (expert information)
Get the EWG APP (from Environmental Working Group) sunscreen choices. https://www.ewg.org/sunscreen/report/executive-summary/
CDC: Summertime Food Safety
Always refrigerate (or freeze) leftovers within 2 hours of cooking.
Eat refrigerated leftovers within 3 to 4 days. When in doubt, throw them out.
Beat the heat: During summer months, your ceiling fan blades should spin counterclockwise – to help push air down – creating that cool breeze.
Fact: Blood donations go down during the summer month!
But the need remains the same. If you can donate blood, please do!
Join WBFJ for our ‘virtual’ Blood Drive with the American Red Cross (AUG 21-25)
*Schedule your blood donation appointment through the American Red Cross at
www.RedCrossBlood.org or on the Blood Donor App