SUN@5: December 08, 2024
The story of the birth of Jesus told in a kid friendly way.
Local author Micah Mills shares about the inspiration of her Christian children’s book, “I Carried the King of Kings” (Illustrated by Alexis Berg).
Meet ‘Sippi the donkey’ on a journey to Bethlehem.
The book can be purchased locally or ordered on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Carried-King-Kings-Micah-Mills/dp/B0DFKC6YYR
Email Micah micahmoo4@yahoo.com
Listen to our interview…
Winter Weather Preparedness with Leigha Cordell, Winston-Salem / Forsyth County Emergency Management
Winter storms can bring beautiful snow fall…and unexpected challenges. Multiple days without power, and limited mobility.
Education is key.
Do you have a preparedness kit for you and your family that will sustain you for 3 to 7 days? Have a ‘plan’ in place BEFORE the storms of life hit. Stay informed with NOAA weather as well as local broadcast radio stations like WBFJ. www.readyforsyth.org
Listen to our interview…
Winter Weather Preparedness Week in North Carolina (Dec 01-07) https://www.weather.gov/rah/winterprep
*As heard on Sunday @ 5 on WBFJ (DEC 08, 2024)