Home SUN@5: Lead with Prayer + Fentanyl Awareness

SUN@5: Lead with Prayer + Fentanyl Awareness

“Lead with Prayer, The Spiritual Habits of World-Changing Leaders”

Ryan Skoog shares with Verne (WBFJ radio) about the spiritual habits, techniques, and practices of these world-changing leaders.

Ryan Skoog (along with Peter Greer, and Cam Doolittle) spent three years researching the impact of prayer in the lives of world changers.  With biblical insights, astounding research, and practical tools in every chapter, Lead with Prayer inspires us to implement the spiritual habits extraordinary world leaders. https://www.leadwithprayer.com/




DEA Administrator Anne Milgram shares more about the formation of the Together for Families (TFF) Network during her remarks at the National Family Summits on Fentanyl Awareness.

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (or DEA) recently hosted their third annual National Family Summit on Fentanyl Awareness in mid-November. The CDC recently announced that for the first time since 2018, the US has seen a ‘decrease’ in drug overdose death.  www.dea.gov/togetherforfamilies

For resources to help parents talk to their kids about the dangers of drug use, please visit the Get Smart About Drugs website.

If you or someone you know needs help with substance use or mental health disorders, please visit DEA’s Recovery Resources page for list of resources.

*As heard on Sunday @ 5 on WBFJ (December 01, 2024)

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