SUN@5: “Navigating Mental Health as a Jesus follower”
Mental Health and the Church
Bringing balance through a holistic approach – body, mind and soul.
Pastor Ron Garner shares his own mental health journey with Verne (WBFJ radio) encouraging others that are suffering the ‘darkness’ of depression and anxiety. Listen now…
“Navigating Mental Health as a Jesus follower”
Pastor Ron will be facilitating a (6 week) sermon series and some informative workshops planned for September and October.
Dates and details on the church website: www.midwaymethodist.org
25% of people who seek treatment for mental illness turn to a member of the clergy (more often than psychiatrists)
-according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (2020)
34% of practicing Christians and 40% of all U.S. adults said that anxiety and depression were the most common challenges in their lives…pre-pandemic.
*As heard on Sunday @ 5 on WBFJ (September 01, 2024)
Ron Garner is senior pastor at Midway Methodist Church in northern Davidson County.