Sun@5 (September 29, 2024)
As a caregiver, are you feeling overwhelmed, confused and stressed to the point of burn-out? You are NOT alone!
Local author Debbie Barr shares tips and encouragement for the caregiver through her book, ‘Caregiving: Taking Care of Yourself While Caring for Someone Else”
Listen now…
1 in 4 caregivers find it difficult to take proper care of themselves.
Some takeaways…
Caregiving is a journey of compassion. A journey with its own unique ‘ups and downs’. Caregiving is one of the most important (roles) in the world. Yet, it’s one of the most difficult. ‘Self-care’ is extremely important for the caregiver, to bring a healthy balance to themselves and the one they are caring for. Ways to avoid ‘Caregiver Burn-Out. Assembling a ‘caregiving team’ – BEFORE you need one! https://debbiebarr.com/books/caregiving/
BIO: Debbie Barr is a seasoned writer, speaker and health educator with a passion for encouraging people to engage deeply with God as they journey through tough times. https://debbiebarr.com/
*Aspire Press (an imprint of Tyndale House Ministries) Read more: https://forsythwoman.com/caregiving-taking-care-of-yourself-while-caring-for-someone-else/
‘Bring your Bible’ to work and school on Thursday, October 3rd. Strike up a conversation and share the Gospel. For the past 10 years, Focus on the Family has encouraged students to ‘Bring (there) Bible to School’. Now, adults are encouraged to participate!
Emerson Collins with Focus on the Family shares more about the goal of ‘Bring Your Bible Day’ this year for both youth and adults! Resources available: www.bringyourbible.org
Volunteers needed. If you would like to ‘volunteer’ with WBFJ at the Gazebo during the upcoming Carolina Classic Fair in Winston-Salem, email Bonnie… bonnie@wbfj.org.
10 Days of AWESOME at the Carolina Classic Fair. The Carolina Classic Fair in Winston-Salem runs October 04 – October 13, 2024. https://carolinaclassicfair.com/
WBFJ Grandstand concert @ the Carolina Classic Fair (Wednesday, October 9) with Colton Dixon, Austin French & Jeremy Rosado. *Get into the Carolina Classic Fair AND our Grandstand concert with a donation of (5) non-perishable food items per person (WEDNESDAY ONLY). Helping to feed those in need through Crisis Control Ministries. Details at www.wbfj.fm