Sunday @ 5 on WBFJ (January 26, 2025)
This week on Sunday @ 5 on WBFJ (Jan 26, 2025)
Verne chats with…
Adam Holtz, Director of Focus on the Family’s ‘Plugged In. The expert media staff at Plugged In have compiled a must-read resource (book) to help you understand the media your children consume.
“Becoming a Screen-Savvy Family: How to Navigate a Media-Saturated World, and Why We Should” “Becoming a Screen Savvy Family” offers practical advice and strategies to help your children (and grandchildren) navigate the ever-changing landscape of pop culture. The effects of technology and media consumption on children are far-reaching, impacting their mental health, sleep patterns, attention spans, and social skills. https://store.focusonthefamily.com/becoming-a-screen-savvy-family
Plugged In offers detailed information about what’s really in popular movies, videos, television episodes, songs and games, giving families the essential tools they need to understand, navigate, and impact the culture in which they live. https://www.pluggedin.com/
Timpani Troxler, ASPIRE Program Director with the City of High Point Parks and Rec Department, shares more about High Point Heroes Club, a monthly gathering of local veterans (retired and active duty). Learn more about this unique veteran outreach. The next gathering of the High Point Heroes Club is Friday, February 7, 2025. Email Timpani at timpani.troxler@highpointnc.gov for additional information or Call (336) 883-3483.
Andy Bowersox with Energize Ministries shares about unique volunteer opportunities through their ‘Pastor Disaster Relief , with a focus on Western North Carolina. Energize Ministries has been helping churches and pastors following natural disasters since 2017. Their program helps pastors and their families get back into their homes more rapidly after a disaster so that they can better support their communities during calamities. Energize Ministries also helps churches with clean-up and restoration so that they are able to more quickly distribute much needed supplies to their communities. Learn more… https://energizeministries.com/what-we-do/pastor-disaster-relief/
*As heard on Sunday @ 5 on WBFJ (January 26, 2025)