Thursday News: JUNE 15, 2023
Free Car Seat Safety Inspection Event – TODAY.
Location: Publix parking lot off north Main Street in High Point. 10am til 1pm.
Certified child safety technicians with Safe Guilford will be available to inspect car and booster seats. https://www.guilfordcountync.gov/our-county/human-services/health-department/-fbclid-IwAR1ERcFfXUawJtoT0srfyZ4EPUzwQJCahUtVInThGUAOGknXHSIcVyHeWps
The Federal Reserve decided to leave interest rates alone yesterday.
It’s the first time since March 2022 that the central bank decided against a rate hike. Raising rates has been the agency’s main tool to fight rising prices.
Miami Mayor Francis Suarez filed paperwork Wednesday to launch his bid for the Republican presidential nomination, jumping into the crowded race.
The 45-year-old mayor is the only Hispanic candidate in the race.
The Southern Baptist Convention voted to ban female pastors.
The details: The rule, approved at the SBC’s annual meeting this week, prevents women from becoming pastors at any level. It needs to be voted on again next year to be final.
What else to know: The SBC, which is the country’s biggest Protestant denomination, also voted to affirm the expulsions of two churches that ordained women as pastors.
“21-year-old solves Rubik’s Cube in 3.13 seconds”
In the time it takes you to read this sentence, Max Park can solve a Rubik’s Cube. The 21-year-old from Long Beach, California set a Guinness World Record for the fastest time in solving a Rubik’s Cube (rotating puzzle cube) when he nailed it in an astonishing 3.13 seconds on June 11.
The puzzle prodigy was introduced to Rubik’s Cube as part of his therapy after being diagnosed with autism at 2 years old… Amazing!!
Harvest Church is hosting a “Jesus Revolution” church-wide baptism on Saturday, July 8 at Pirates Cove in Corona Del Mar, California. Pirates Cove was the site of numerous baptisms during the Jesus Revolution of the early 1970s.
As CBN News reported, more than 4,000 people were baptized in Pirates Cove earlier this month. Details: https://myharvestfamily.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1793398
*Pastor Greg Laurie is hosting a Harvest Crusade on July 1-2 at the Honda Center in Anaheim, California.
Sobering. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for youth ages 10 to 18 in North Carolina, and the third leading cause of death for those ages 19 to 34, according to the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services.
*UNC Chapel Hill is starting a statewide initiative to help lower the number of youth suicides. Carolina Across 100 is collaborating with UNC Suicide Prevention Institute on the initiative. Participating communities will work with local government agencies, school systems, institutions of higher education, health-care providers and faith- and community-based organizations.
Communities may apply to participate in the program through July 28.
The application is available at https://carolinaacross100.unc.edu/wellbeing.
Area Blood Drives
Thursday (June 15)
Memorial United Methodist Church (Randolph St) from 1:30 p.m. – 6 p.m
Jerry Long YMCA (S. Peace Haven Road) 10:30 a.m. – 3 p.m
Atrium Wake Forest Baptist Piedmont Plaza (W. 1st St) 9:30 a.m. – 3 p.m
Give the Gift of Life: Download the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit RedCrossBlood.org
or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) to schedule a time.
Some of the requirements to give blood include…
Be at least 17 years old. Weigh at least 110 pounds.
Be in good health generally and feel well on the day of donation.
Source: Piedmont Triad Chapter of the American Red Cross
Remembering Pat Robertson. A Celebration of Life service will be livestreamed this Monday (June 19) beginning at 11:30am.
The in-person memorial service will be a private, invitation-only event and is not open to the public
North Carolina Zoo: VOTE now.
The latest baby giraffe born at the Zoo last month (May 20) needs a name.
And we get to be part of the process. The 6 options are:
Nelson – After the famous leader Nelson Mandela
Mosi – African name used for “first born son”
Jackson – “Son of Jack,” the calf’s dad is named Jack
Tamu – Swahili for “sweet”
Bongani – This Zulu name means “grateful, thankful.”
Voting ends next Monday, June 19.
The name will be announced on Wednesday, June 21 (World Giraffe Day).