Thursday News: Nov 17, 2022
One-week til Thanksgiving Day
Feeding those in need with an attitude of gratitude. Whole Man Ministries will be giving out 350 Thanksgiving meals this Saturday (Nov 19) from 10am til 1pm. That’s a turkey and fixins’ to those in need.
Whole Man Ministries is located at 3916 Old Lexington Road in Winston-Salem.
Donations accepted. Details: www.facebook.com/wholemanministries/photos
Need a stress-free Thanksgiving in the kitchen?
Cook it ahead of time. Freeze your feast. Every dish freezes beautifully, from turkey to green bean casserole to pie. Check out the News Blog for a link to the ultimate make-ahead Thanksgiving meal from the Food Network.
Georgia and South Dakota are the most recent states to offer motorized, all-terrain wheelchairs you can rent in public parks. Some great news for outdoor enthusiasts with ‘mobility challenges’. Here’s the deal: The 500-pound chairs can navigate users over rocks, snow, streams, and steep inclines. *Park officials say people have told them the chairs are “life-changing.” And the program is expanding. Minnesota has just wrapped up a pilot program. North Carolina is next on the list.
Local hospitals making the grade. The Triad’s three main hospitals (Baptist, Forsyth and Cone) maintained their ‘safety grades’ in a report released Wednesday by The Leapfrog Group. *Overall and individual category grades of hospital by the national healthcare watchdog nonprofit can reflect multiple years of review.
Good News: Coffee prices are down thanks to better weather in Brazil
Rain in Brazil is making for a good coffee crop this year, securing supply… but retailers like Starbucks and others are still raising prices amid increasing labor and distribution costs. https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/16/business/coffee-prices/index.html
Swap your worn hoodie for a new Champion hoodie.
Just bring your old hoodie (non-Champion brand) to a Champion brand store nationwide including the Champion outlet at Thruway Shopping Center in Winston-Salem this Saturday (Nov 19) from 11am – 2pm while supplies last. Limit one swap per customer.
Champion will donate your old hoodie to Refried Apparel, a sustainable lifestyle brand that will turn the hoodie materials into new, unique, handcrafted garments.
Every 4 seconds someone is diagnosed with dementia.
Even more shocking: 40% of caregivers will ‘pass away’ before the person they are caring for. Biggest factor…stress. November is National Family Caregivers month
*Learn more about a local support group called ‘Caregivers Wellbeing’ facilitated by Dr Ann Hiatt on the News Blog. Dr Ann Hiatt will encourage ‘caregivers’ this week on Sunday @ 5 on WBFJ!!
Reminder: Area Hospitals are ‘asking’ that children 12 and under NOT visit patients who are in the hospital (due to the surge in respiratory viruses such as RSV and flu among young children).
Hospitals include: Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist, Novant Health, Cone Health.
*Children seeking treatment at area hospitals are not subject to the restriction.
Masks are still required for visitors.
Health officials strongly encourage people to stay home when sick.
Continue ‘healthy hygiene’ such as hand washing and covering your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing. Also, experts recommend getting vaccinated against flu and COVID – to best protect against illness heading into the holiday season.
Source: Press Release
*Vaccines protect against severe cases of Covid-19 and Flu.
Local shot sites: https://covid19.ncdhhs.gov/
Yale and Harvard law schools, two of the premier law schools in the country, are parting ways with U.S. News & World Report’s rankings of best law schools. The schools are bowing out after criticizing the publication’s methodology.
Not a “red wave” they had touted, Republicans will win the House of Representatives after passing the threshold of 218 seats needed for control of the chamber on Wednesday. Votes are still being counted in some competitive races, but President Biden said the midterm results show voters want Democrats and Republicans to find ways to cooperate in Washington, DC…
Greensboro-based Volvo Trucks North America and some of America’s largest travel centers are creating a ‘national charging network’ exclusively for medium and heavy-duty electric vehicles. The chargers, to be installed at selected Pilot and Flying J travel centers, will be available to all large electric trucks. FYI: Volvo began U.S. sales of its VNR Electric trucks in December 2020. The heavy transport vehicles, equipped with six batteries, can cover up to 275 miles on one 90-minute charge
“I still pray for the president. And I pray for the grace to forgive him
and all those responsible for that tragic day (referencing Jan 6).”
– Former Vice President Mike Pence
During a Town Hall Wednesday night, the former VP was shown a video of his family fleeing for safety at the US Capitol during the January 6th (2021) insurrection by Trump supporters. Pence reacted to the video with dismay, calling the former President’s rhetoric and behavior “reckless.” Pence said he was “angry,” but in the days that followed, he leaned on his faith. * Pence emphasized that he is moving on from being angry because “in the Christian faith, forgiveness is not optional.” Adding that, “I’ll always believe that we did our duty that day upholding the Constitution of the United States and the laws of this country and the peaceful transfer of power…” Pence’s memoir “So Help Me God” was released earlier this week,