Tuesday News for July 30, 2024
Viral Video of the Day: “Dragonflies invade Rhode Island beach”
National Collection Week for Operation Christmas Child is November 18-25, 2024. Good News: You can build a ‘shoebox’ ONLINE, right now! Details at samaritanspurse.org https://www.samaritanspurse.org/what-we-do/operation-christmas-child/
Christmas in July! Senior Service is collecting personal hygiene items for senior adults across Forsyth County – with your generosity. Wanna participate?
Just drop off personal care items at any Piedmont Federal Savings branch location in Forsyth County or at Senior Services on Shorefair Drive (near the WS Fairgrounds) now thru July 31. Details at www.seniorservicesinc.org
UPDATE: Summer Games in Paris
The temperature in Paris earlier today (July 30) was 95 degrees – making it the hottest day of the year. https://www.cnn.com/sport/live-news/paris-olympics-news-2024-07-30/index.html
Team USA has earned 20 metals so far.
USA Gymnastics Men’s team earning bronze on Monday!
In women’s gymnastics, Simone Biles, who battled a calf injury on Sunday, competing in all four gymnastics events – vault, uneven bars, balance beam and floor exercise – in today’s women’s team final. https://www.reuters.com/sports/olympics-live-triathlon-postponed-simone-biles-go-gold-team-gymnastics-2024-07-30/
*The men’s triathlon event has been postponed until Wednesday due to poor water quality levels in the River Sein (sin) – after heavy rains that drenched the French capital.
Chip loss. Blame it on the seagull? Workers at a convenience store in the coastal community at Dorset, England are politely asking customers to “please close the door behind them’ because of one particular seagull (dubbed Steven Seagull). The pesky seagull has been ‘sneaking in to the store and stealing bags of chips’ for about six years.
“Trying to explain to the powers that be that I’ve got stock loss because of a seagull – well they think it’s a joke,” store manager Stuart Harmer telling the BBC. A video of the theft bird has gone viral- (but he’s SO cute). https://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2024/07/29/Steven-Seagull-chip-bag-theft/1091722273494/?
More than 2,000 people came to be baptized this past weekend at the latest “Jesus Revolution” event with Pastor Greg Laurie at Pirate’s Cove in Orange County, California. This latest Pirates Cove baptism comes on the heels of the annual Harvest Crusade held by Pastor Greg Laurie at a fully packed Angel Stadium in Anaheim.
The International Black Theatre Festival continues through Saturday in downtown Winston-Salem. For more information: https://ncblackrep.org/
Breaking News this afternoon: The IDF (Israel Defense Forces) have carried out a strike in Beirut, Lebanon today targeting the commander accused of orchestrating the recent attack on a children’s soccer field in the Golan Heights. https://www.foxnews.com/world/
Update: North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper has removed himself from consideration as Kamala Harris’ VP running mate – saying that now isn’t the right time for him to join a national ticket. https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/29/politics/harris-vice-president-roy-cooper/index.html
Former President Trump has agreed to sit for an interview with the FBI to provide his “perspective” of the failed assassination attempt this month. CNN
Study: Early dementia cases seem to be detected 90% of the time with a new Alzheimer’s blood test. Researchers are ‘one step closer’, but don’t expect blood tests for Alzheimer’s to routinely pop up in your primary doctor’s office anytime soon.
More research is needed.
*For now, we all can get regular exercise, eat a Mediterranean-style diet and treat vascular risk factors like high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/28/health/alzheimer-blood-test-p-tau-217-wellness/index.html
At the Box Office. Marvel’s “Deadpool & Wolverine” surpassing $200 million dollars in US ticket sales, making it the biggest opening weekend for an R-rated movie.
*This film is NOT family friendly. Check out the latest review from Focus on the Family’s Plugged In’. https://www.pluggedin.com/movie-reviews/deadpool-and-wolverine-2024/