Tuesday News: Jan 10, 2023
“Gym near me’ Google searches for ‘gym membership’ and ‘gyms near me’ have doubled in the past month – exploding to the highest level in US internet history! An unprecedented increase as many Americans are starting their fitness training for the New Year. Source: Financial World https://www.financial-world.org/
You could have ‘cash’ waiting on you to claim? Checking your name to see if you have money is free and getting your ‘unclaimed cash’ is free. It’s all on NCcash.com. All other states have their own version of unclaimed cash. To find the free and state-run sites you can check MissingMoney.com. https://www.wfmynews2.com/article/news/local/2-wants-to-know/look-who-got-their-money-nccashcom-lets-you-search-get-unclaimed-cash-for-free-nc-north-carolina-state-treasurer-dale-folwell-in-mail-search/
Reminder: Wear BLUE on Wednesday (Jan 11) to bring awareness to
Human Trafficking! #WearBlueDay dhs.gov/blue-campaign
January is Human Trafficking Prevention Month
Learn more about the ‘Blue Campaign’ on the News Blog at wbfj.fm
Update: Cases of R-S-V are declining, but flu still remains higher than usual, according to experts with UNC Health. 68 of the 100 counties in North Carolina now facing a ‘high risk’ of community spread from the latest subvariant of Covid-19.
“COVID remains – for 2020, 2021 and 2022 – the third leading cause of death in the US, substantially ahead of things like motor vehicle crashes and gun violence, but behind cancer and heart disease. https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nc/triad/news/2023/01/06/covid–flu-and-rsv–there-s-good-news-and-bad-news-for-north-carolina
*You can order four ‘FREE’ rapid Covid tests per household through covidtests.gov.
Ask Sam: Winston Salem Journal
Are there any plans to repave Peace Haven Road between Hwy 421 and Lewisville Clemmons Road? Short answer: YES!
“The section of South Peace Haven from Lewisville-Clemmons to Hwy 421 is currently under contract for resurfacing. The work should be completed between March and July of this year. -Mark Crook, NC DOT maintenance engineer for Forsyth County
Forsyth CARES
Forsyth Community Assistance Registry for Emergency Services
Residents in Forsyth County can voluntarily provide ‘vital personal information’ on a new data base to help assist first responders during crisis calls.
*Cognitive conditions, visual or hearing impairment, health conditions, medications, and emergency contacts are just some of the vital information that you can provide that will help EMS, Law Enforcement, and Fire personnel respond to your situation. All information is confidential and will only be used by emergency dispatchers and first responders.
Online Registry on the News Blog. https://www.forsyth.cc/forsythcares/
Survey: https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/20397e65ea234344aebec977d86edb3c
Thanks to Ed McNeal (Forsyth County Communications Director) and
Dave Mundy (Detective with the Kernersville Police Dept) sharing more about Forsyth CARES on the WBFJ Morning Show.
Update: Buffalo Bills’ safety Damar Hamlin is back in Buffalo after being transferred from the University of Cincinnati Medical Center on Monday.
Hamlin, who collapsed on the field from cardiac arrest during an NFL game last Monday, will continue his recovery at a Buffalo hospital.
“God’s using me in a different way”
It’s the latest answer to prayer for millions of people as the 24-year-old shows steady signs of improvement. Still, Hamlin is asking for more prayers as he still faces a long road of healing ahead. The good news comes after big plays and big prayers took center stage this weekend as NFL players showed strong support for Hamlin.
College Football Championship game
All Georgia last night, crushing TCU …65-7. The Bulldogs now with back-to-back titles.
Poinsettias and your Christmas Cactus are tropical plants, so they need lots of sunlight. No drafts… Make sure to water whenever the surface of the soil feels dry.
Winston-Salem State University Chancellor Elwood Robinson is retiring on June 30.
The 67-year-old is the 13th chancellor in WSSU’s history. He will retire after 39 years in higher education. The UNC System said the search for the next WSSU chancellor will be launched later this year.
Winston-Salem City Manager Lee Garrity is retiring on June 23 after 30-plus years of service with the city, including 17 years as city manager.Mayor Allen Joines said the city would be hiring an executive search firm to help find Garrity’s successor
Blood Donation: Some of the requirements to give blood include…
Be at least 17 years old (16 with parental consent)
Weigh at least 110 pounds.
Be in good health generally and feel well on the day of donation.
Bring a current photo ID on the day of donation.
Source: Piedmont Triad Chapter of the American Red Cross
*Schedule your blood donation appointment through the American Red Cross at
www.RedCrossBlood.org or on the Blood Donor App