Tuesday News: March 21, 2023
First full day of Spring. 19 days and counting = Less than 3 weeks til Easter!
‘Tree pollen levels’ in the HIGH range for Tuesday (Oak pollen). www.forsyth.cc/EAP/pollen.aspx
Free tax prep. Trained, certified volunteers with the A-A-R-P Tax Aide Program are available in preparing and e-filing returns for FREE at select Forsyth county libraries. Everyone welcome regardless of age or income. www.wstaxaide.com/
Questions? Call 336-777-6189.
Phones are staffed Monday/Tuesday/Thursday or leave a message anytime.
*The deadline to prepare and file your tax returns is Tuesday, April 18.
The Winston-Salem City Council has awarded a two-year contract to
H.O.P.E. of Winston-Salem to operate the city’s ‘hydroponic farm’ at Kimberly Park, which will compliment their mission to provide ‘fresh, health food options’ to those in need in our community. BTW: ‘Hydroponics’ is the technique of growing plants using a water-based nutrient solution rather than soil.
HOPE of Winston-Salem is a mobile meal distribution organization preparing and transporting over 1,100 nutritious meals each weekend to kids at 30 distribution points throughout Winston-Salem.*H-O-P-E is an acronym for “Help Our People Eat”.
*HOPE of Winston-Salem was a recent WBFJ Ministry of the Month (February).
Job Fair this afternoon
The High Point Market Authority and the High Point Rockers are hosting a community wide ‘seasonal jobs fair’ this afternoon from 3 to 6 pm.
Location: The Catalyst Club at Truist Point -where the Rockers play baseball.
Parking is available on Lindsay Street. Details on the News Blog…
*Part-time, seasonal positions are available in High Point for the April furniture market, as well as for the High Point Rockers baseball season (which runs from April to September).
March Madness: College Hoops = Go Storm !!!!
Davidson-Davie Community College Men’s Basketball team (The Storm) will face Florida Gateway this afternoon at 2pm in the National Junior College Division 2 (D-II)
Men’s Basketball Tournament.
The Storm goes into the national tournament with a 32-0 record.
Women’s NIT: Wake Forest women’s basketball season is over…
Florida 80-63 over the Lady Deacs last night in the second round of the WNIT.
Volunteers Needed. Spanish language interpreters are needed for an upcoming dental clinic on Friday, March 31, 2023 (from 8am til 2pm).
Footbridge is partnering with River Oaks Community Church in Clemmons to provide care for (specific) individuals in despite need of dental care.
Extra dentists, dental assistants and hygienists can always be utilized.
Location: Westwood Village Shopping Center directly beside Gabe’s near Krispy Kreme.
Note: Patients for this clinic have already been selected…
Details on the News Blog at wbfj.fm https://footbridge.org/dental-clinic-march-2023
The world’s happiest country? Finland is the ‘happiest’ country in the world, according to the annual World Happiness Report.
*Visit Finland announced that it is now accepting applications for its “Masterclass of Happiness,” a free four-day trip to Finland “where you can learn the methods to finding your inner Finn. The masterclass will happen from June 12-15, 2023, at a private villa in the nation’s Lakeland region.How can I apply for the Masterclass of Happiness?
There’s a two-part application for those wanting to attend the Masterclass of Happiness, which can be found online. https://www.visitfinland.com/en/find-your-inner-finn/apply-for-masterclass/
The deadline to apply is April 2. Winners will be announced on May 2.
New summer flavor from Frank’s RedHot…Dill pickle?
The spicy flavor company revealed its dill pickle hot sauce calling it the ‘flavor of summer’. “Pickle juice and cayenne pepper are the star of the show and make up the top ingredients in the sauce…”, according to the company’s website.
The new tangy and spicy sauce from Frank’s RedHot is already available online.
Number of the Day: 1 million plus…
That’s how many plastic water bottles are sold every minute around the world.
The fast-growing bottle industry, however, is creating a gargantuan amount of plastic waste – most of which is not recycled and ends up in landfills. Let’s do our part!
OPERATION MEDICINE DROP in conjunction with Forsyth Creek Week.
Drop-off unwanted PILLS at several locations in Forsyth County
Winston-Salem: Monday -Friday (March 20 – 24) from 8am til 4:30pm
Winston-Salem Police Department (and satellite locations)
Kernersville: Monday – Sunday (March 20 – 26)
Kernersville Police Department Lobby on East Mountain Street
*Additional details at http://www.forsythcreekweek.org/calendar
Forsyth Creek Week
Educational activities + interactive events planned thru Sunday (March 26).
All Forsyth Creek Week activities are FREE unless otherwise noted.
*Check out their website for planned event http://www.forsythcreekweek.org/calendar
Tuesday events include…
Rain Water Harvesting: Small Scale Applications
2-4pm at the ‘Cooperative Extension office’ on Fairchild Road in Winston-Salem. Rain barrels are perfect for small gardens and container plants. Set one up to conserve water, save money, and help keep our streams clean! http://www.forsythcreekweek.org/rainwater-harvesting
‘Why Native Plants Matter’ presented by Bee City USA.
This afternoon (2pm) at the Reynolda Manor Branch library on Fairlawn Drive in Winston-Salem. An in-depth discussion on how your planting choices can make a difference. http://www.forsythcreekweek.org/whynative-plants-matter
‘It Rained Two Inches, Now What?’ with Keynote Speaker Dr Bill Hunt
Tonight at 7pm at Salem Lake in Winston-Salem
Major storms and floods have impacted North Carolina’s communities in the past decade. What does this mean for the future of stormwater management?
Are you a caregiver to a loved one living with memory loss?
Getting a good night’s sleep is valuable to the well-being of all individuals, but how does it affect the brain? A FREE ‘Memory Connections’ learning event with a focus on
‘Brain Health and Sleep’ is happening this afternoon from 2pm til 3pm.
Location: Senior Services, 2895 Shorefair Drive in Winston-Salem.
RSVP to Anita Ford (Memory Connections Project Coordinator) at 336-721-6965 Email:aford@seniorservicesinc.org. Web: www.seniorservicesinc.org/event/brain-health-sleep/