Veterans Day happenings across the Triad
Veterans Day happenings across the Triad
Saturday (Nov 11)
(9:30am) Mt. Airy Veterans Day Parade The parade will start staging at Veterans Day, located at 691 W. Lebanon Street, and travel down Main St through downtown.
(11am) Carolina Field of Honor, Kernersville Come early if possible. Bring an athletic chair. Color guard, special music, the laying of the wreath, taps and other commemorative activities to honor all those who serve the country, past and present. Keynote speaker: LTC (R) Shaun Conlin. www.carolinafieldofhonor.org.
(11am) Veterans’ Day Ceremony, Jamestown Veterans’ Memorial Wall, Wrenn-Miller Park, 101 Guilford Road, Jamestown.
(11am) Davidson County Veterans Day Parade (Lexington) The parade participants line up behind Lexington Senior High School and make their way down Main Street, ending on West Ninth Avenue at the armory. There will be marching bands, veterans organizations, police and fire vehicles.
(Noon) Greensboro Veterans Day Parade Begins at the corner of Lindsay and Elm Streets. Area high school marching bands and JR-ROTC units, military vehicles and floats provided by local businesses. 253-278-3207
(4pm) Veterans Parade in downtown Asheboro *Pilot Club of Asheboro’s annual Veterans Day Luminaria Service follows at 5:30pm in front of the historic Randolph County Courthouse in Asheboro. Info at 336-629-4369.
Sunday (Nov 13)
(3pm) High Point Veterans Day Parade The parade route: Main Street, to Russell Avenue, and end on Quebein Avenue.
Veterans Day is Saturday, Nov 11, 2023, but the deals and discounts for US Military Veterans start Friday and continue through Monday. Click here for details…