WBFJ Wednesday Word
Goodbye Whip O Will Way!
In a few weeks, the house that my parents have called home for 23 years will no longer be a part of the family. That being said, neither myself or either of my siblings grew up or resided there, so it doesn’t have that “homeplace” feel that is so prevalent in the Carolinas. However, it was the place we could find mom & dad…on a holiday, tending to a raised garden in spring or summer or willing to welcome any and all for casual conversation at almost any time.
As a well-travelled minister’s family, we learned long ago not to grow too attached to any dwelling, hometown or community. Yet, each address holds its’ own set of memories. Such is the case with the most recent residence. It’s hosted a myriad of celebrations and a fair share of sufferings. It is where life has been lived for more than two decades. Saying so-long to Whip O Will Way is really more about what it represents than the house itself. Close that chapter.
I see in this – a reminder of the transitionary stages of life preparing us for our heavenly home. The trappings and attachments tend to distract us from the reality of what awaits us. Sentimentality to the temporal must be overcome with anticipation for the eternal. The emotional yard sales of life provide that opportunity to find perspective. We set our minds on things above and don’t worry about a forwarding address.
So, we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are unseen; for the things which are visible are temporal [just brief and fleeting], but the things which are invisible are everlasting and imperishable. 2 Corinthians 4:18 (AMP)
- Wally