Wednesday News NOV 2, 2022
Wednesday, NOV 02, 2022
Poll: The economy is the #1 motivator (41%) for voters in North Carolina during early voting. Other ‘hot topics’ voters are citing when choosing a candidate include abortion access, health care and threats to democracy.
*Nearly 3 in 10 surveyed said they have already voted.
Approximately 1.3 million votes have been cast across the state as of Tuesday morning.
Source: Emerson College Polling/ The Hill/ WGHP Fox8 Poll
Election 2022
‘One-Stop’ (In Person) Early Voting continues thru this Saturday (Nov 5) at 3pm.
*Election day is this Tuesday, Nov 8th
*Get helpful information even view your ‘sample ballot’ through ‘links’ on the News Blog https://www.ncsbe.gov/
Safe site to check for vehicle recalls…
Enter your vehicle’s VIN number to learn if a specific vehicle needs to be repaired as part of a recall on this website https://www.nhtsa.gov/recalls or call NHTSA’s Vehicle Safety Hotline at 888-327-4236 and enter the 17-digit vehicle identification number.
Source: NHTSA
Your ceiling fan and the seasons
In cooler months, your ceiling fan should be spinning clockwise at a low speed.
Warm air naturally rises, and the gentle updraft created by this setting allows for the redistribution of warm air that tends to accumulate near the ceiling.
Note: Using a ceiling fan in the winter can save you as much as 15% on your heating bills. https://saveonenergy.ca/For-Your-Home/Advice-and-Tips/Seasonal-ceiling-fan-direction
3-day work week? Could you. Would you…
While four-day work weeks are growing in popularity, one Chick-fil-A store in Miami is experimenting with an even shorter three-day week. 3 days on, 4 off.
Store operator Justin Lindsey recently told QSR Magazine his team of 18 store leaders and roughly 20 frontline employees has successfully been following a three-day work week since February. Staff are split into two “pods” of workers who alternate on three-day blocks of shifts lasting 13 to 14 hours (6 working day with stores closed on Sunday).
Prior to the 3 day work week in February, employees at the Miami CFA were working 70-hour weeks and skipping vacations to meet goals.
Since making the switch, there’s been 100% management retention, “elite” performance, and more than 420 applications for a job opening.
Headline of the Morning
‘Missouri snake show shut down after cobra disappears’
Moscow Mills, Missouri was the site for “Venom Fest” this past weekend. But Sunday’s show was canceled after a deadly Egyptian cobra went missing.
The event organizer says strict safety precautions were in effect for the 200-300 snakes. Snakes were not allowed out of their sealed containers for any reason. Yet, before doors opened on Sunday, a vendor found one of his containers had been moved and was empty – but still sealed. And no snake. Police suggest it was likely a theft… Yikes??
What to buy in November (and save money)
Buy: Big-ticket electronics
While Black Friday is technically Nov. 26 and Cyber Monday is Nov. 29, Best Buy, Amazon and other retailers have already started delivering deals on Big screens, gaming systems, Apple products and other electronics..
Buy: Off-season and off-size gear
These off-season items may include summer clothes, grills + deck furniture, for example.
Buy Thanksgiving groceries ASAP.
Pick up nonperishable items, as well as those that you’re able to freeze or buy frozen, like a turkey. Remember, you’ll likely see some empty shelves this month. Experts suggest starting your Thanksgiving grocery shopping soon to get ahead of supply shortages and avoid scrambling.
Shop local if possible.
Skip: Holiday-themed stuff you don’t need
If you NEED a new tree or holiday item – and are OK with spending a little more than in previous years – then buying it now. But if you can hold off on new holiday-themed purchases, this is the year to do so.
With nearly 100% of the votes counted in the Israeli elections, it seems that former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will return to power. www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/israel/2022/november/israels-vote-count-nearly-complete-as-netanyahu-and-religious-parties-win-big
Good News: The Greensboro Grasshoppers baseball organization delivered a $1,000 dollar check to Vandalia Presbyterian Church to help offset their losses and make sure they continue helping those in need. The Greensboro church had hundreds of dollars’ worth of frozen meat and a computer during a break-in last week.
Stroll through the lights at Tanglewood Park with your favorite furry friend!
Paws in the Park happening over two nights – November 7 + 8, 2022 (Monday + Tuesday). Paws in the Park is a fundraiser benefitting the Humane Society of Davie County. Tickets are required in advance…
Link posted on our Facebook page: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/paws-in-the-park-2022-tickets-410181623277
World Series: Phillies buried the Astros in a 7-0 victory in Game 3 on Tuesday.
Phillies lead the series 2 games to 1 over the Astros
Game 4 TONIGHT at 8pm. Game 5 will be on Thursday.
*If necessary, Games 6 and 7 will be in Houston on Saturday and Sunday. CNN