Wednesday Word
Recently, in a matter of less than two weeks a pair of 90-year-old pastors completed their earthly ministry and are now in the presence of the Savior that they served so faithfully. No doubt that each was greeted with the words: “Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant.” However, the paths they took to a similar conclusion were very different journeys.
One pastored a church of thousands for half a century. The other never shepherded a flock much larger than a couple hundred and did so for multiple congregations over that same time period. One was a best-selling author with a flourishing media ministry. That second one never wrote a book, appeared on television and was heard on radio for only a fleeting portion of his pulpit career. The funeral of the first was attended by dignitaries and streamed around the world. The other’s service was as simple and humble as the man it honored.
Some would hint that the two represent disparaging degrees of success in ministry. I would beg to differ. We should be hesitant to define success by anything other than Biblical standards. The success is found in the privilege we are given to do God’s work. In addition, hesitancy would be prudent when considering any measurement of the faithfulness of God’s servant. I recently heard a pastor share that “perseverance is running the race, even when success is not possible.” We are tasked only to run and finish.
Similarly, the “success” of this week of Sharathon will never be measured by earthly standards. This ministry depends solely on the faithfulness of God as He moves in the hearts of His people. Thank you for your partnership in this work that He has ordained. Once again, His provision will prove adequate to the task given. “Faithful is He that calls you, Who also will do it.” 1 Thessalonians 5:24.