Wednesday Word
So what’s your half time show look like? If you plan to live to be a hundred you should be thinking about it at 50 or so. Realistically most should probably settle on 40 as 80 seems to be the upper limit for many of our friends and family these days. Your half time show may not be entertaining but at this half way point it might be wise to stop and decide what you expect in the last half of the Big Game. Unfortunately it is often in the final few that we wish we had taken a time out sooner and upped our strategy for a better final score. We may not really be a sports person but we all are in the game and every play has significance. Play well. Play hard. Pray well. Pray hard. Enjoy an occasional time out. By the half, make sure you are on your game. I say “you” as I am way pass my half.
Papa John
PS…This is all so corny. But please don’t dismiss the message. None of us really know our half time or our last game. Not everyone who participates wins. It is important to be on the winning team.