Home Wednesday Word

Wednesday Word

To borrow a quote from Gomer Pyle, “If you got a wobble,  better check your hubcaps before buying new tars.”


Ever see a car going down the road and its tires look like they are off center but the driver seems oblivious to the problem?


That’s probably because he has his hands on the steering wheel and everything seems normal– because it is. Whoever changed the tire didn’t put the hubcap back on quite right. You might think he has a wobbly tire but really everything is fine where the rubber meets the road.


Sometimes our  “obvious” can blind us from others’ “truth”. In this case no harm is done but if you are a tire or driving “inspector” you might want to make sure you get everthing right before making your final “report”.


If this word absolutely makes no sense to you, you are probably innocent in the matter and should pass this on to a friend who might need it. 🙂


And as always, Sha-Zam! Happy Wednesday!


Papa John (Married to Judy Judy Judy)




I don’t know if Gomer ever really said that about the “tars” but I do know on my way to work last week on 52 at Akron,  the Father used this situation to remind me to mind my own hubcaps. Pass it on!


The WBFJ Wednesday Word is a weekly email written by the WBFJ Staff. It’s short, simple, encouraging and provides a look behind the microphone to the heart of this ministry and the people that help make it happen.

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