Wednesday Word
A Yard Sale during the Dog Days of Summer? Why not!
Periodically, you have to answer the question, “How much stuff do you really need?
After a 6 year hiatus, the Hill family once again opened up our garage to the Midway community over a portion of the July 4th weekend. Our goal. Elimination of stuff.
Having a yard sale (technically out of our garage) is FUN. Seriously!
It’s the weeks of thinning out, pricing and finally setting up. Now that’s hard work!
(Thanks to my wife (Paula) and our youngest daughter (Mariah) for all of their planning and hard work).
I’m more into the sales and marketing of a yard sale.
Fans blowing. Gatorade with lots of ice. And waiting for the next customers.
Those kindred ‘bargain hunters’ you might say in search of a deal.
And the conversations. Lots of conversations…
“Do you still have that cute little goat?”
“The last time I was here, your daughter was half that tall.”
“How’s your mom?”
“I’m cancer free after 3 years of treatments.”
“I’m the guy who called about your vinyl”
“My cow tree now has ‘new’ lights, thanks to you”
“Have you tried cayenne pepper for circulation?”
After two days, our yard sale was done.
We had less stuff, with a little more open space inside the house.
Memories made. A few dollars made.
Spending time with family and neighbors. Priceless!
BTW: Answers to the above questions…
Yes. Yep. About the same, still getting around with new exercises.
Praise the Lord! I will sell all of my vinyl along with the crates! Please send us a pic of your lit cow tree!?
And, we sprinkled some cayenne pepper into our soup on Sunday…I think I feel better already!
“God loves you and has chosen you as his own special people.
So be gentle, kind, humble, meek, and patient.” Colossians 3:12 CEV