Home Wednesday Word

Wednesday Word

FEAR NOT – we are told that in the English Bible the phrase appears exactly 365 times.  Simple math calculates that as once daily – a constant reminder that as […]

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Wednesday Word

Greetings!  I have some disturbing news to share with you today. It seems that I no longer exist…at least, according to the Social Security Administration. I learned about this situation […]

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Wednesday Word

This is not your average Valentines message.  No flowers. No Chocolates. No Balloons.  No Sentimentality.  No History Lesson.  No Cupid. It’s ironic that today is also Ash Wednesday and the […]

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Wednesday Word

Big screens are a BIG deal, but don’t lose your focus.    As you probably know, there’s a ‘super’ football game coming up this Sunday evening (February 11). Personally, I […]

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Wednesday Word

One Liners… So, you’ve probably heard the phrase many times, “the right song at the right time.” Well, what about the right line in a song at the right time? […]

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Find your purpose. Make a difference. Tickets for ORDINARY ANGELS are on sale now! #OrdinaryAngelsMovie #KingdomStoryCompany www.tickets.ordinaryangels.movie

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Wednesday Word

 Reliving the dream… riding the wave,  theatrically speaking!  To engage: Close your eyes and venture back to October, 1987 by the little water wheel in King when a Mr. J […]

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Wednesday Word

“Together”      Did you know that the Bible mentions this word 387 times?! Someone once told me that when God wants us to focus on something in His word He […]

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Sweetheart Surprise

Remembering seniors on Valentine’s Day, with– It’s the WBFJ “Sweetheart Surprise”  … we need you, your family, your office, your small group, your class… to make Valentine cards with encouraging […]

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Wednesday Word

Welcome aboard Flight 2024!   Your Captains today are God the Father, Jesus the Son and Holy Spirit the Comforter Our Flight Attendants are Mercy & Grace   As you […]

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The WBFJ Wednesday Word is a weekly email written by the WBFJ Staff. It’s short, simple, encouraging and provides a look behind the microphone to the heart of this ministry and the people that help make it happen.

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