Home Tuesday News for June 27, 2023

Tuesday News for June 27, 2023

Storm damage update this morning (as of 9:45am) … +3,500 people without power in Davidson County. +1,200 in Yadkin and +300 in Rowan   The ‘best tested’ sunscreens for 2023 […]

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Monday News for June 26, 2023

Severe weather possible later this afternoon into early evening. There’s a threat of thunderstorms with hail and damaging wind gusts between 3pm and 9pm.   Major Pre-Paving Project starts TODAY […]

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S@5: One year since the overturning of Roe v Wade…

Celebrating pro-life victories while clarifying ‘myths’ (or misinformation) about abortion restrictions in North Carolina.  Our friends with NC Family Policy Council in Raleigh will step us through Senate Bill 20 – […]

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Friday News: JUNE 23, 2023

Today is ‘Hydration Awareness’ day Experts stress that “adequate hydration will significantly improve your health and well-being because it is essential for all processes in the body.” Water. Water. Water.  […]

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Hotel honors 40 year old certificate…

A Kansas City hotel is making a married couple very happy for their 40th wedding anniversary.  According to KMBC-TV, Tim and Melinda O’Brien spent their wedding night in 1983 at the historic Muehlebach […]

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Thursday News: JUNE 22, 2023

Summer Solstice: Today is the first FULL day of Summer A ‘Flash Flood Watch’ continues for the Piedmont Triad through tonight. National ONION RING day 😊  Americans consume 20 pounds […]

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Wednesday Word

The Simplicity of the Gospel Every generation is responsible to saturate themselves in the gospel that Jesus preached, so much, that when false gospels or impartial gospels or His truth […]

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Gray is the new ‘white’ for interior walls?

If you plan to sell your house in 2023, it’s time to go gray. For the last decade or so, real estate experts have advised homeowners to paint their walls […]

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Wednesday News for June 20, 2023

Summer Solstice: Summer officially began at 10:58am this morning.  Wednesday is the ‘Longest day’ of the year based on actual hours of daylight…   A ‘Flood Watch’ continues for Stokes, […]

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Pastor Robert Morris resting after ‘immediate surgery’

Update: Pastor Robert Morris, lead pastor with Gateway Church in Dallas, Texas, is recuperating after ‘emergency back surgery’ earlier this week to correct a ‘herniated disc pressing against his sciatic […]

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The WBFJ Wednesday Word is a weekly email written by the WBFJ Staff. It’s short, simple, encouraging and provides a look behind the microphone to the heart of this ministry and the people that help make it happen.

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