Home Wednesday Word

Wednesday Word

This day is the date that “lives in infamy.”  Of course I’m referring to the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941… 81 years ago today.    2,532 total lives were lost […]

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Wednesday Word

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 For nearly 20 years I […]

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Wednesday Word

Thanksgiving:  Poems have been read, Songs have been sung and Books have been written.  Instead, I go back to an elementary classroom at Goldsboro Christian School where words of Scripture […]

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Wednesday Word

Yay, A Thanksgiving Song!! It seems every year after Halloween, the Christmas season is thrust on us, by-passing Thanksgiving altogether. Did you know there is a Thanksgiving song? That’s right, “Jingle […]

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Wednesday Word

All I want for Christmas   As we embrace that attitude of gratitude, the season of ‘giving’ is just around the corner. Here are some ideas semi borrowed from a […]

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Wednesday Word

Hello, WBFJ friends! I hope you are having a wonderful autumn! If you’re like me, I always have a list of unfulfilled “good intentions”. These are kind and/or generous gestures […]

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Gratitude: It Does a Body Good

2022Today’s Wednesday Word is written in honor and in memory of my sweet mama, Lemona Benton Mahaffey. Mama would have turned 94 today. Mama was my hero! When given...

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The WBFJ Wednesday Word is a weekly email written by the WBFJ Staff. It’s short, simple, encouraging and provides a look behind the microphone to the heart of this ministry and the people that help make it happen.

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