Wednesday Word
A couple of weeks ago, I was near Fayetteville and exited I-95 to see if Ft. Liberty had changed much from the last time I passed through 20 years ago. The biggest change was the name. Back then and all my previous life, it was called Fort Bragg. Everything looked about the same as I remembered. A bank was now Ft. Liberty Branch instead of Fort Bragg and there were several other places like that. But really, not much has changed but the name and some signs.
A couple of days ago, I took a tour of me. I wanted to see if there was any real change since 1972. Was it just a name change or was there a heart change also? I can remember some of the old flesh days before 1972 and happy to report there has been a new man living in my old house for many a year now. But, there are those days when the old man and the new man look a bit alike in the way they behave toward others. Some days these guys almost look like twins. I am always surprised to see the old man. I remind myself he died many years ago. Right? That’s a good reason to do the tour every now and then to make sure “born again” has not become “world again.”
I try to stay above ground during the tour. Not much lying under can help much except to remind me the old is passed away and behold, all things are become new. Born Again. The expression is probably foreign to the modern day vocabulary. Sad, because no person will see Jesus unless reborn by the Spirit of God.
In the spirit of Advent, and appreciating all things from the Father, you might want to join me, and ponder these things in your heart.
Papa John
One last thought. The tour I mentioned is not intended to get you lost. But if you land there, you can be born again. And AGAIN is a big word, and a good word with the Father.