Home Wednesday Word

Wednesday Word

Hello, WBFJ friends! If you could select one word to describe your life, what word comes to mind? For too many of us, the word “busy” might be at the […]

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Wednesday Word

The Reich Choice   Last week, to the delight of some and the chagrin of others, Frank Reich was named the new head coach of the Carolina Panthers. As a […]

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Wednesday Word

 Greetings All! A couple of days ago, I shared with a dear sister in Christ my recent struggles and “backsliding” with my spiritual disciplines.  We talked about how the darkness, […]

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Wednesday Word

A cord of three strands   My family celebrated the first weekend of January 2023 by attending our neice’s wedding celebration in Boomer, south of Wilkesboro. The location was great.  […]

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Wednesday Word

(The following account occurred during an out-of-town trip. Any resemblance of or likeness to those living in the Triad is mere coincidence).   There I was – an uninvited guest […]

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Wednesday Word: Jan 4th

Greetings and Happy New Year everyone! I hope your year is off to a good start!  As I’ve sometimes mentioned in the past, it’s usually around the holidays that I […]

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Wednesday Word

Life Essentials When the Covid-19 pandemic hit a few years ago, our lives for the most part were put on pause. However, the need for food, housing and clothes did […]

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Wednesday Word

It’s beginning to look like Christmas!  What does that look like for you?  Is it the tinsel and lights?  The Christmas trees and yards are all adorned?  The Christmas programs […]

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Wednesday Word

  Are you chasing the sunset? Christmas time often brings out sermons about ‘light’. Christmas celebrates the coming of THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. Sunday, Pastor’s sermon was like that. […]

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Wednesday Word

This day is the date that “lives in infamy.”  Of course I’m referring to the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941… 81 years ago today.    2,532 total lives were lost […]

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The WBFJ Wednesday Word is a weekly email written by the WBFJ Staff. It’s short, simple, encouraging and provides a look behind the microphone to the heart of this ministry and the people that help make it happen.

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