Home S@5: Christmas Blessing 2023 revisited

S@5: Christmas Blessing 2023 revisited

This week on Sunday @ 5 on WBFJ, three unique stories of families nominated by you for our WBFJ Christmas Blessing. Continue to pray for these dear families…      […]

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S@5: MasterLife Together Bible Study

“Learn to follow Jesus with all that you have and all that you are” Matt Willis shares with Verne (WBFJ) about “MasterLife Together”, a 12-session Bible Study with a focus […]

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S@5: Matthew West LOVES Christmas and Jesus

A candid (Christmas) conversation with Matthew West. Singer, songwriter Matthew West shares with Verne and Wally (WBFJ Morning Show) about what’s happening in his little world… His daughters (who’s driving […]

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S@5: Pivot Ministry

Pivot Ministry “a new approach to life and work”  www.pivotnow.org  Carol Polk (Executive Director with Pivot Ministry) and Michelle Minnich (Program and Outreach Coordinator) share with Verne (WBFJ radio) about […]

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S@5: Local adoption stories

Four local adoption stories from some of our WBFJ listening families. The Harris family The Ravish Family Angela Hartman Jason and Elizabeth Listen now… The story of the Bible is […]

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SUN@5: Caregivers Wellbeing

November is National Family Caregivers month Dr Ann Hiatt, PhD is the facilitator of a local support group called ‘Caregivers Wellbeing’. Ann’s caregiving journey with her mom is detailed in […]

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S@5: Shopping local + Paws in the Park

Shopping local matters!  It’s well-documented that on average – of every one dollar spent with a local business, over half (68 cents) remains in the community. Denise Heidel w/ Lewisville – […]

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S@5: Power Cross ministries (Jeff and Natalie Storment)

‘Practice hard. Pray harder’ Power Cross is a Christian based ‘youth athletic enrichment ministry’ providing young men – age 7 and up- with positive role models and a vision for […]

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Sun@5 for October 29, 2023

Medicaid Expansion 101 Marissa Adams, Division Director, Medicaid Services with Forsyth County Department of Social Services  Marissa Adams will be facilitating a series of Town Hall discussions across Forsyth County over […]

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SUN@5: Family Promise of Davie County

“Because every family has promise, and every child deserves a home’ Lisa Reynolds, Executive Director with ‘Family Promise of Davie County’, shares with Verne (WBFJ Radio) about the various ways […]

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The WBFJ Wednesday Word is a weekly email written by the WBFJ Staff. It’s short, simple, encouraging and provides a look behind the microphone to the heart of this ministry and the people that help make it happen.

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